What Does a Great Leader Mean to You?

In business, leaders are crucial actors of the well-being of a company. Leaders ensure a vision for the company which leads to its success. But what does a great leader mean? What are the qualities of a great leader? For some, great leaders are charismatic creatures or ambitious mentors, for others, leaders are inspiring teachers. Here are some thoughts on being a good leader…

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I. Teamwork, Accountability, Communication

According to GBFMS CEO Dong-Ju Park, “a leader says, ‘do it’ but a good leader says, ‘do it together.’” He emphasizes the team spirit where members of the team share a common goal and work together to achieve it. Mr. Park adds that “a good leader says, ‘failure is the door to open success.’” Indeed, embracing failure is a major quality for leaders. Business is unexpected and failures can occur but, by understanding that failure is part of the process, it acknowledges the significance of taking full responsibility for his or her employees’ actions. In addition, by using the formula “a good leader says,” Mr. Park points out the value of efficient and constant communication between a leader and his or her employees.

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2. Integrity, Trustworthiness, Responsibility

Heesung Choi, one of GBFMS Account Team Manager, shares this view that a good leader is a decision-maker who should have the right judgment and take full responsibility for his or her decisions. She quotes the American author expert on leadership Warren G. Bennis who said “Managers do things right. Leaders do the right thing.” Leaders must have integrity and trustworthiness.

A leader must be someone you can rely on who will take responsibility for his or her errors of judgment and bad decisions. Stella Park, another GBFMS Account Team Manager, agrees that one of the crucial qualities of a great leader is to guide people to the right path and being worthy of respect. In other words, a great leader is a respectful guide, an inspiring mentor.

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3. Flexibility, Coolness, Positive

For Jack Rrappo, GBFMS Head of Global Accounts, “A good leadership means understanding and putting into practice the very importance of this critical formula for success in the 21st century: ‘IQ = AQ = EQ.'” In other words, a great leader is not just a smart or visionary person, he also adapts to the environment under any circumstances. A great leader can understand and embrace his or her employees’ diversity with reason and coolness.

According to Anna Ponsolle, Head of Solutioning and Planning, “a leader is a person who can quickly recognize his/her team members’ strengths, weaknesses and motivations to help them improve and promote growth. In order to use the full potential of each member, the leader should assist them in setting smart goals and provides regular feedback with challenging projects. A leader should give clarity on the outcome wanted and create a positive and motivating environment.”

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To sum up, according to some GBFMS leaders, a great leader is a person of integrity who is trustworthy, responsible, flexible, positive, motivating and who values teamwork and communication.

And for you, what are the main qualities of a great leader? Don’t hesitate to comment or sent us a DM, we’d love to hear your thoughts on leadership!

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